Schroeder Hall will host a captivating evening of music, showcasing both lesser-known works and a beloved classic. The program opens with Gabriel Pierné’s Canzonetta for clarinet and piano, followed by his Sonata for Cello and Piano. A composer and organist who trained under César Franck and Massenet, Pierné (1863–1937) is celebrated for his soulful compositions and rich harmonic textures.
The evening continues with a performance of Robert Muczynski’s dynamic and rhythmically intricate works. Muczynski (1929–2010), a Polish-American composer, brought a unique vibrancy to his music, combining rhythmic vitality with beautiful melodic lines. The concert concludes with Johannes Brahms’ renowned Trio for Clarinet, Cello, and Piano, offering a profound and memorable finale. This exceptional program is sure to delight classical music enthusiasts and newcomers alike.